Monday, March 23, 2009

An Interesting Week...

Hi all. I've decided that Tuesday will be blog day, so here I am. Charlie is asleep, and it's freezing! The sun doesn't get to the lounge until after lunch so it's cold!!! But it's a gorgeous day and we're hoping to take Charlie to the playground later when it's a bit warmer.

So this week has been pretty good, had a few hiccups in the eating department though...I may have over-eaten at my mother-in-laws this weekend (but not by much) and I had a coconut and lemon slice from muffin break on Sunday...BUT, the good news is, I've actually earned a whole lot of exercise points from netball training and the big tournament that we had on Saturday, so I should be ok for my week 9 weigh in tomorrow...which would be great because so far I've lost a grand total of 11kgs!!!! Score!! Mind you, it's not like it's falling off or anything, I've been working hard for that, but I have so much more much that I actually look forward to exercising! And believe me, that never used to happen. I used to get tired just walking up one flight of stairs!

Also, some rather exciting news has just come up. A couple of weeks ago we recieved a wedding invitation to my cousins' wedding in Canada, which is in May. I thought that was a really nice thought, but I pretty much gave up the idea of going for dead. I mean, who has a spare $10,000 to get over there, what with the recession and all?? Anyway, my mum's partner Paul just inherited some money from his Dad's estate, and Mum had borrowed some money to build a sleepout in the big garage next to her house, so Paul suggested that he pay for the renovations and Mum uses the money to take us all over to Canada! And so it looks like that's what we'll be doing in under 8 weeks! Mike and Charlie and I, plus my Mum and my brother will all be going for 2 and a half weeks, and I can't wait. Except, that means that there might be the possibility of a small weight gain, but I'm hoping that I'm able to control some of what goes on there. Anyway, I'm excited, I haven't seen my family in so long!

And that's about it for this week. Hope you're all doing well.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Week 8 is almost over

Hi everyone, and welcome to my blog. To be honest I never thought I would see myself doing this, but I've seen so many others on here blogging about their weight loss journey so I thought it might give me something to so while the little guy is asleep, plus I've always wanted to do writing...and who better to write about than myself! It's by far the easiest subject to write about, especially because I usually have way too much to say...blame my Gemini communication skills!! I actually just thought it would be good to update it every week, since I need to be accountable for my actions (which will keep me honest) and I'm not quitting until I get to goal!

So for those of you who don't know, I have been overweight basically since I was at least 5 years old. And it wasn't anyone's fault. My mum fed me all the right things, I guess I'm just one of those people that is as addicted to food as one is addicted to cigarettes, or drugs. Basically, food is a drug to me...I literally get so involved with food that it's like another relationship. Give me a block of chocolate and I'll be happy for as long as it lasts...however, therein lies the problem. It never lasts!! And then I feel like CRAP! So since I had Charlie and I have no excuse to be big anymore (and believe me, I loved being pregnant because it gave me an excuse to be fat) I have decided to get healthy once and for all. That's it, no more sitting on my ass, no more eating block after block of chocolate, no more cheeseburgers with mayo, NO MORE!!! And I have to say, since starting this whole thing, I feel so much better. Ok, so I have a lot of weight to lose. In fact I have so much to lose I'm pretty much losing a whole normal sized person. But at least it's working!!

So far on this wee journey I've lost a total of 7 weeks. And truly, all I'm doing is moving more and eating better. It's not rocket science (not that I know a damn thing about that)! And I got up this morning and actually noticed that I was smaller! I love days like that. I don't have them very often, usually it takes me months to agree with people when they say that I've lost weight.

But here's the tricky might not be rocket science, but it's probably just as hard as rocket science. It's really, really not easy. Sure, losing that much in such a short space of time makes it look easy, but it's not. I still crave the cheeseburgers, I still LOVE chocolate, I'd love to sit in front of the t.v watching Shorty and eating half a cheesecake in one sitting, but all of a sudden I have a little voice in the back of my mind that tells me that I won't gain anything from that except another kilo of fat on my arms, or my ass, or my legs, or my stomach. And that little voice never surfaced until now...and this is the 4th time I've done Weight Watchers. So I must remember to listen to the little voice more often me thinks.

Plus, I have lots and lots of reasons to be healthy...number one on top of that list is my little boy, Charlie. He is the most wonderful thing I have ever seen in my life, the coolest little guy I've ever met, and a huge motivation for me. You know, you always hear or read about how, when you have kids, you never ever look back. You can't imagine your life any other way, and you find yourself more in love with this little person every second of every day...and you think "is that actually possible"? I can tell you now, the rumors are all true. Sometimes I almost don't believe that he's mine, my own, from me. I look at him all the time and think "how did we get so lucky"? And believe me, he has his moments...he's a true Gemini, always chatting, always talking, into everything, and when he's pissed he really lets you know. But I feel like the best thing I ever did was have him. No wait, the best thing I ever did was meet Mike, then have Charlie.

Anyway, now that Charlie's crawling I need to be on the ball. Actually, what does that mean?? Where does that saying come from?? If I was actually on a ball it would have to be made of super strength, n.a.s.a type material that was impossible to burst!

So, 8 weeks down, weigh in tomorrow, and another day begins....

Much love to you all

My List Of Weight Loss Goals for 2009

  • Get under 100kg by Christmas (25/12/09)
  • Lose 20 Kilos - aiming to have completed by the time I leave for Canada (12/05/09)
  • Lose 15 Kilos - aiming to complete by Week 15
  • Lose 2 stone - aiming to complete in Week 10
  • Lose 10 Kilos - DONE (Week 9)
  • Lose 1 stone - DONE (Week 5)
  • Lose 5% of my total body weight - DONE (Week 5)
  • Lose 5 Kilos - DONE (Week 4)